• Activties is a mobile event application.


Team members



  • POP
  • Sketch
  • Invision

My responsibilities

  • User interview
  • Story board
  • User flows
  • Wireflows
  • Concept maps
  • Sketches
  • Mood board
  • Usability testing


Two weeks


The following project is a concept project, which means no real clients were involved.

The brief

Building an application that will help people to spend more time with his friends while doing his favourite activities.

My approach

First step I made into designing the application was to interview the person the application was for. Interviewing I found out the problem, which helped me create a design hypothesis.

User interview

I believe building an application in which Cuong can create events and invite his friends to those events, will allow him to achieve a way to combine his social life with his favourite activities. I will know this to be true when I see that in the little time that he has, Cuong will be able to increase his time spent with friends.

After finishing the interview I made a storyboard about Cuong’s story: how he is before using the application and what impact will the application have on his life.

Story board

Moving to the next step it was the first time I had a clear idea of how the application should work in order to help Cuong with his problem. I created an user flow to figure out how the application should work

User flow

The process

After having all this information I could move into the design phase.


I went into testing the prototype with the users.

You can see the paper prototype HERE

Four weeks later I went back to this project to imporve it.

I started by doing a mood board, through which I showed what the application does and also the colours and typography I would use for the application.

Mood board

Having done the sketches and choosing the colours and typography I could then move into creating the mockups.


I went into testing the application to see what people think about the visual design of the application. Most people would say that the application is too much Facebook like, and that I should change the blue with another colour.

Usability testing

Taking all that feedback into the account I changed the visual design of the application and I also built the login screen. Below you can see the latest design.

Final version

The prototype can be viewed HERE


I believe that the design can be improved by offering the users the possibility to track RSVP and also by doing more usanility tests to find out how else I can improve it.